
Only in Japan - (11 Pics)

Only in Japan - (11 Pics)

Koi is the general name for “carp” in Japanese. The name refers to all types of carp, from the simple dull gray fish to highly colored varieties.

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The first fact you should know about Koi fish color meaning is that these colored varieties are called “nishikigoi” or “braided” carp.

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The Japanese word can also mean love or affection, so these colored koi symbolize friendship and romantic love in Japan. Because they also represent strength and courage, Koi have become a popular subject for tattoos, pictures, jewelry, and a whole range of products.

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Each koi fish color symbolizes something different. But koi colors can also symbolize family. On Childrens Day in Japan, koi flags are used to depict family members

  • Father is black
  • Mother is red or orange
  • Boy is white or blue
  • Girl is red or pink

Koi fish tattoos have different meanings; these depend on the number of kois, direction of swimming, and colors.

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Only in Japan - (11 Pics)

Only in Japan - (11 Pics)

Only in Japan - (11 Pics)

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